Google News, Adsense and Online Biz in China

A lot has been written about the apparent blocking of google news. The China Herald pointed out that it might be that:

“The internet filters have caused a damaging slowdown on the internet traffic in general and perhaps by closing some of the generators of potentially sensitive traffic that bottleneck is temporarily ’solved’.”

His assumption might be right. During the day I noticed it’s hard to get into the news part, late in the evening there is no problem.

But besides the nuisance of not being able to read the news through Google, an additional pitfall is the fact that at times Adsense also seems to be affected during the day. As a consequence the likelihood of making any advertizing money is frustrated by the fact that filters obstruct normal online business. For a blog like this adsense is more like an add-on but the number of websites that (partly) generate money through advertizing is numerous. China is always boasting to be IT ready and has ambitions to at least take some business from India and elsewhere. Filtering and slowing down the internet is a sine qua non to achieve the opposite.

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