Online Sex Survey
My favorite newspaper these days is the online version of the China
Daily. Besides their creativity in using the English language, they
also seem to be on their own mission to make sex a more accepted topic.
Despite the ban of a sex show (see earlier post) the China Daily posts
the results of an online survey (held by the China Sexology Association
and among Chinese woman about their sex lives.
Apparently “87 per cent of the women believe they have pleasure having sex.” [We need a survey to find out when they really know]
To establish whether the surveyed woman are knowledgeable enough about
the topic it is stated that “As they are also Chinese Internet surfers,
it is believed that they also have a knowledge about sex.” [The
conclusion of an online survey being that they are also Chinese
Internet surfers is not bad at all. I am not sure how that relates to
having knowledge about sex though] Another survey is mentioned,
done in 1999-2000, that concluded that “nearly 80 per cent of Chinese
women did not know exactly what orgasm is”. It seems a lot has changed
since. To be totally updated, check out the article.