Learning to Trackback

Sometimes the whole blogging thing seems a virtual quotation and link game. I quote A who quotes B who quotes C etc. In the end of the day we have all have been quoting one another, although each quote has been spinned a bit to the left or the right depending on the author and still, it can be useful. Bloggers are also supposed to be polite so in the process they link to the one they are quoting.
And here comes Trackback. Until now my knowledge didn’t go beyond knowing the name. I did some search on Google and found a Dutch blog, which referred me to another blog, which has a neat podcast with pics, a picscast, that explains the concept pretty well. This latest blog compiled the picscast with the help of a guy who is doing the explaining in the picscast.
Besides quoting A who quotes B who quotes etc. I can now, by using trackback, actually let A and B and C and etc. know that I have quoted A (which means I also have been quoting B and C and etc.) and not only by linking to them but also by letting them to link to me.
That’s what Trackback does, simply said.

So as I got my link from the Dutch Blog and got the real Trackback explanation from the other blog who worked together with yet another blog I guess I just have to let them all to link to me.

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