Humorous Chinese Comments
Whenever I start laughing out loud in front of my screen I might as well share it with the rest of the world. I do understand though if my humour is not the same as yours. Greenpeace just released a report about genetically modified rice in China and says “The GE industry is out of control.” (source: Xinhua) I don’t know much about GM so I won’t go into that. I like the reactions from the Chinese side.
Zhu Xinquan, chairman of the Chinese Society of Agro-Biotechnology, said: “I cannot agree with the findings of the report by Greenpeace and I am wondering if the tests conducted by the organization are scientific or not.”
Scientific or not….. followed by this even more profound remark from an official with the Office of Genetically Modified Organism Safety under the ministry of Agriculture.
“We have not seen the concrete testing reports. Moreover, the testing of GM rice seeds should be based on China’s technical standards.”
Then I started laughing.