Chinese Can Buy the Moon | Safes Them The Trip

Pick your acre…
Chinese Buy Moon

Property is hot here in China. I wrote before about the real estate bubble in Shanghai so I won’t repeat.

The moon though is the newest property you can invest in. One acre of Moon sets you back a mere 298 RMB, about 37 US dollars. Not much considering you get an certificate that ensures your property is yours.

As a bonus you even have the right to use the land for growing some moon rice (or maybe even cakes) and if you feel like it you can dig up to 3 km deep to claim your minerals.

The company responsible for this, is “Lunar Embassy”, based in Beijing. There is another company called Lunar Embassy, that has been selling the same stuff for already some time but it is based in the US.

There seems to be some strange overlapping of the company names. Lunar Embassy & Lunar Embassy. Any relationship between the two of them.

The CEO of the company, Li Jie didn’t clarify the relationship between the company and the Lunar Embassy in America, but said he has spoken to its founder Dennis Hope before.

That is definitely enough relationship I guess.

Source & Picture: China Daily

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One Response to “Chinese Can Buy the Moon | Safes Them The Trip”

  1. paul
    November 1st, 2005 05:25

    It’s neither the 1st nor the last scam in the world. We’d published similar story on our website ( private tour guide service) and got heavy negative comments from our clients. haha.

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