Shanghai Portman Ritz Carlton | Service Level
The Portman Ritz Carlton has a bookshop where they sell papers. Normal papers , meaning not originating from the mainland. The Hotel is the absolute top in Shanghai, maybe even in China and has, as it goes with a 5 star hotel, staff that pretend to understandEnglish and pretend to give 5 star service.
Hi, can I have the IHT please?
Yes, that’s 23 Rmb.
Ok. [I am reaching for my money in my pocket but apparently I am not fast enough]
It’s 23 Kuai.
Yes, I know, you told me, I am busy getting my money.
You don’t want the paper anymore?
Yes, I like to have the paper and it would be nice if you have some patience. As you see I am busy getting my money.
Oh, Yes.
All this happened in a timespan of 4o seconds