Down in Shanghai
It’s Wednesday morning, March 15, and it seems things are back to normal, as far as that means anything.
Update 2:
Down, Down, Down
It’s 10 minutes after my post and guess what… G is there again…
It’s one of these days. Gmail….. no access, … no access. … yes, that’s soo available I start thinking it’s almost intentional. Has Shanghai kicked the international version of the big G out?
From what I hear Beijing and other parts of China still have access. Even more, Beijing seems to be more open than ever, as asiapundit has found out.
Let’s hope it’s a glitch in the network…
And something else, for some weird reason my visitors have doubled today as there are a lot of people searching on Google for “nude marriage photos in China” and similar searches.
I have added a nice pic, wouldn’t like anyone to be disappointed when they get here.
I thought I was the only one with too much time.
March 16th, 2006 02:01
Gmail and Talk have been having some trouble again. It’s been slow more often than not and I captured a few more *error modes*. Today I saw Gmail chat recover with this little gem. Hey at least they recognized they are back. Seems I’m not the only one who has had trouble with gmail recently. …