The Year of Berlusconi in China

Year of Italy in ChinaIt’s the year of Italy in China, actually also the year of Russia and the Year of the British Poems in the Shanghai subway, but I digress.

There are pasta exchanges (the jury is still out on who invented the long pieces of dough), and other cultural feats.

From the Year of Italy in China website:

“Our two countries share an affinity that has been passed on from generation to generation and is still growing stronger.”

Emperor Berlusconi (aka the premier of Italy) has added a very special insight to this that I am sure will be appreciated.

“I have been accused many times of saying communists eat babies,” Mr Berlusconi told a rally of his Forza Italia party.

“Go and read the black book on communism and you’ll find that under Mao’s China they didn’t eat babies but they boiled them to fertilise the fields.”

Source: Herald Sun

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2 Responses to “The Year of Berlusconi in China”

  1. Chelman
    March 28th, 2006 11:45

    In fact Berlusconi was not far from the truth. Cannibalism due to state enforced famine was and unfortunately IS common in communist states.

  2. Administrator
    March 29th, 2006 04:03

    As far as I know (I don’t know much though) there have been some incidental cases where this happened during the great leap forward. I am talking incidental which is a bit more subtle than proclaiming what Berlusconi does. Also it doesn’t really help and is not relevant to current China.

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