Google “Guge” Valley Song Flash Movie Translated

Google China has a new name and the linguists are still out on the right meaning.
Guge China Google

The current translations are “Valley Song”, Harvesting Song, Song of the Grain, Song of the harvest of grain and even Happy Song. Eric Smidt, CEO of Google, calls it a “Fruitful and happy song”.

The whole renaming seems to be aimed at re-branding Google in China. A bit silly to chinafy a brand name that is pretty much well known already by about 100 % of the average Chinese internet users.

Will more people start using Google search because they will feel more comfortable using an esoteric valley song? Time will tell, but probably not.

Google blog China has a flash movie where the name is introduced.

It’s a dreamy, stylish movie based on the average Chinese calendar.

The text is used to introduce the new name, Guge’s mission and that in the face of information everybody is equal and that links are votes.

I added (my pretty bad) translation to the flash movie so the non-Chinese readers among us can have an idea about Google marketing in China.

Click here to see the flash movie with the translated text of the Google Valley Song Presentation (pop-up).

The name isn’t received everywhere in the Chinese society with heaps of joy. There is already a No Guge website where Google fans vent their opinion. Some of the quotes:

“The name “GuGe” makes us feel ill! Even more, it makes us disappointed!”

“It’s a bird name, a poor peasant busy doing the spring plowing”

One thing is for sure, it has given GuGe a lot of free publicity.

Sources: Virtual China, Google Blogoscoped, RConversations, Google China Blog, No GuGe

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4 Responses to “Google “Guge” Valley Song Flash Movie Translated”

  1. - Il Network di blog liberi mono-tematici
    April 20th, 2006 12:31
    1 ha tradotto in inglese il recente filmato in Flash di Google sul nuovo nome ( Guge) adottato per la versione localizzata in cinese del motore di ricerca. …

  2. 二三街角 » 谷歌廣告
    April 20th, 2006 21:00

    2006-04-21 Update: 有人將該廣告打上英文字幕, 有興趣的可以看看.. …

  3. Google
    June 14th, 2021 07:23

    Get Proxy Ip Address…

    [tag]Google China[/tag] has a new name and the linguists are still out on the right meaning. The current translations are Valley Song, Harvesting Song, [tag]Song[/tag] of the Grain, ……

  4. Google
    June 20th, 2021 06:58

    Elite Private Proxies…

    [tag]Google China[/tag] has a new name and the linguists are still out on the right meaning. The current translations are Valley Song, Harvesting Song, [tag]Song[/tag] of the Grain, ……

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