Bank of China Out of Cash
There we were, waiting to do some banking business. Due to the Bank of China policy of too few available employees on their busiest day of the week, being Saturday (the guard told us this fact, the busy part to be specific), we spent many minutes staring at other people getting money from the teller, people pushing themselves in front of others, etc., etc.
What better entertainment than this.
There was more fun to come though. Some consternation suddenly as everybody in the bank was told.
We’re out of cash. Anyone who wants to deposit money, please step forward.
Our business had nothing to do with cash and we were finally helped. We left the building, leaving behind us many hoping the money would arrive.
Lesson learned, never go to the bank in Shanghai on Saturday, especially not the oneon Nanjing Xi Lu, and in case you need cash, always have a backup plan.
November 8th, 2006 13:55
haha.. wow I am glad that never happened to me in Hong Kong.
November 18th, 2006 20:28
That’s great although I wasn’t surprised. Seems like these kind of things often happen in China. My wife and spent a good number of hours standing in line at banks in China. Everything in triplicate and everyone in the bank had to make sure our signatures matched. At least they had the money.