Hotelreservations but not in China

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. The first request received and per the guidelines I have to disclose this. It’s also test to see how this works out. The review is as it is, a review and an honest one I hope. I do get paid though for writing this:) And please comment… is, as you can conclude from the domain name a hotel reservation website. A great domain name, and that about sums it up. The website gives you the option to book hotels, motels, resorts, vacations rentals etc. Nothing really exciting given that there are already thousands of similar sites that provide this. When I received the mail, asking me to write a review I really wanted it to be something interesting to write about. I’m afraid it isn’t and in reviewing the website I’ll be frank.

The website is way too 1999. It has an ugly minimalistic design, cramped together for the 800 x 600 resolution. It has of course the necessary search boxes for finding hotels in mainly North American and European countries but it lacks anything appealing. It has no hotels in China available for the moment.

It may be that designing hotel websites like this, is a proven formula for success but if you’ve already the great domain name, why not spend some time on design and make the whole user experience fresher and clearer and more importantly make it 2006.

I noticed there is link, “write a review”, but there’s no page behind it yet. Hotel reviews are the first things I look for before booking a hotel. I want to read experiences from other hotel guests, did they like the room, was the staff professional, how was the restaurant. Hopefully that feature will be activated in the future and be open for honest reviews.

Hotel prices are said to be discounted to up to 70%, and a quick comparison with some of the competitors shows that they are not too much off from other hotel websites which is a good thing.

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One Response to “Hotelreservations but not in China”

    December 27th, 2006 18:15

    Thanks for writing about our site, your review means a lot to us.

    Please consider us to book your hotel needs when you and your friends travel next time…..from management of

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