Dutch Journalist Doesn’t Do Research and Deletes Own Post

I was rather surprised to read recently, to be more specific, a couple of days ago, that a Dutch journalist wrote on her blog for the NRC Handelsblad (a Dutch quality newspaper) that Wikipedia was available again in China. I was even more surprised that she quoted an article from the BBC that was a month old. I commented that the wise minds in charge of the censor switch had deemed it necessary to block their citizens again from the encyclopedian knowledge of Wikipedia.

A couple of days later I checked whether the comment was published. Well, it wasn’t. in fact the whole article had disappeared in oblivion, erased from the website so no one will ever know there was once an article that used outdated data and wasn’t fact checked before publishing. Thank god there is Google and their cache, nothing is lost on the Internet, even if you want it to be…
NRC Wikipedia
Mistakes happen, I know, I make them daily. I just wonder why she didn’t just adjust her post instead of deleting it.
You can find her current China articles minus 1, all in Dutch

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3 Responses to “Dutch Journalist Doesn’t Do Research and Deletes Own Post”

  1. Fons Tuinstra
    December 18th, 2006 12:01

    I left there a comment too, with basically the same content. Deleting should be banned, and as you show, it does not help anyway. At least a little bit of the world is becoming flat.

  2. Marc
    December 19th, 2006 01:25

    Nice story, a typical case of a journalist who does not live in China but still wants to write about it. I hope the article did not appear in the NRC newspaper.

  3. Dutch Journalist Doesn
    July 21st, 2021 13:49

    German Labreche…

    I was rather surprised to read recently, to be more specific, a couple of days ago, that a Dutch journalist wrote on her blog for the NRC Handelsblad (a Dutch ……

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