Satellite TV Shanghai

Satellite TV ShanghaiLooking out of the window of the bus I noticed there are many satellite dishes attached to the balconies of the big buildings.

In Holland satellite dishes mostly imply that it’s an apartment occupied by immigrants who like to watch tv in their native language.

In Shanghai, I have the feeling, it means seeing more than just the Chinese channels.

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4 Responses to “Satellite TV Shanghai”

  1. Immigrant Worker
    February 19th, 2007 05:38

    So Dutch people are so close minded (and racists) that none of them ever has the need to watch something else than Holland TV channels?

  2. Shanghai
    February 19th, 2007 06:32

    Don’t try to read things into my words that are not there.

    There are a lot of tv channels available on cable and most of them are not “Holland TV channels” so it has nothing to do with close mindednes or racism.

    Re-read the article I suggest and hopefully you understand it better.

  3. sam
    March 3rd, 2007 08:58

    although I’m an American Born Chinese, and can speak good Chinese, I still like to watch the satellite programs. Local tv programs are just terrible to me. I got one dish from 6 months ago, and still enjoy it. Sam

  4. Georges
    April 11th, 2007 14:25

    I am from France and living in China for the last two years, got my dream satellite installation from Pacific Satellite (, the marketing is done by an expat, Chris, and prices are very reasonable. Being able to watch TV5, CNN, BBC, HBO, Cinemax etc. definitely makes life in China more easier.
    I wonder if it is legit though? So what will happen if one day the authorities decide to crack down on all the “illegal” dishes around Shanghai??

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