Moving to China

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. The review is as it is, a review and an honest one I hope.

The only moving I have done from Holland to China was by sending a small box at the post office. The rest has been stored in Holland and since then I have collected so many new things I’ll probably need a warehouse if I ever move to a new country.

More expats are entering China every day, at least it seems like that when I walk in the streets here in Shanghai and I bump into international faces around each corner. More goods will need to be moved as a consequence as many will like to take a piece of home with them.

For bigger stuff a transportation company can come in handy. Shoemacher Cargo ships everything from cars to boats, from household goods to just boxes. There are many companies that offer these services and as the Internet is more and more the first layer for sorting the good from the bad, having a useful website is key.

Shoemacher Cargo has a clean website that at first sight seems to offer a lot of information. A form for a quick free quote and rates for shipping. Digging deeper the quick free quote will take 24 hours, still fast but not as quick as I expected. The International Shipping Rates tells me to fill in another form, which annoys me. Don’t promise me something that isn’t going to happen. Rates for moving within the US are available.

They do feature online tracking which is nice if you like to know on which sea your antique desk is floating. In case the desk ends up serving in the fish class room they have insurance.

Not a bad website but needs some fixing on the user interaction.

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3 Responses to “Moving to China”

  1. Matt Motsick
    February 27th, 2007 16:42

    We formed a website to eliminate the 24 hour waiting time. You can get an international shipping quote to/from the USA within 9 seconds. This might help you if you are a business.

  2. Lilian
    February 25th, 2008 14:23

    I’m moving to Shanghai too.
    Did you were taxed went you sent your things via posting?
    I’m in Hong Kong now and I have so much things to bring to Shanghai.

    Thank you

  3. China
    March 9th, 2008 08:47

    I hardly sent any things and what I sent wasn’t taxed. But honestly I don’t have much experience with this so asking a moving company may help you more.

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