Female China Expats Ranting
Thanks to China Black Hand I stepped into the wonderful world of single women in China that are disappointed in expat men.
There is already Chinabounder whose love for Chinese girls has caused some upheaval before and Fcuk! is the other side of the medal.
FCUK! introduces herself as follows:
China’s a rough place to live if you’re a girl. Sketchy, gross, clueless or just plain idiotic guys seem to cover the entire country like a bad case of the pox. A pox on the dating scene of the East!
This blog is to tell the good, bad, ugly, funny, horrifying aspects of dating in a rapidly developing country that says its adheres to traditional views of chastity but, in reality, oozes a hook-up culture. It’s a forum for the women of China to rant.
Both entertaining reads when in need of a empty headed break and it beats CCTV 9. Ok, that’s lame, everything beats CCTV 9.
March 3rd, 2007 12:23
That bastard is imitating me!
March 13th, 2007 04:30
I guess two of the reasons women in China / Shanghai are finding it difficult to get decent men to date is that,
1. The number of highly educated women have raised very significantly over the past couple of years.
2. The annual salary of these highly educated women have raised very significantly over the past couple of years.
This looks as if the majority of men is so insignificant by comparison!
June 21st, 2010 01:15
But blogspot blogs are blocked in China, so how to read their rants?