A Chinese Phonecall

Ring, Ring.

I pick up the phone, say my name.

Is W. there? I hear a female voice on the other side

No, she isn’t, I answer

Where is she?, is the new question.

And you are?, I ask

Where is she? is the reaction.

Tuut, tuut, is the sound she hears after I hang up.

Over the years my chinese phone interactions have considerably become more curt.

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2 Responses to “A Chinese Phonecall”

  1. Nihaomi
    June 8th, 2007 02:52

    I am sure she cannot understand your English if you speak English to her. Because I also cannot understand ‘And you are?’. What does that mean? General Chinese people never go abroad. If your English words cannot be found in English textbook of middle school or university. Chinese people cannot understand.
    Another thing, as you know China economic growth is very fast. People’s manner cannot change at the same speed. Many young people are not from middle class family in the cities, but farmer family. They just study very hard. Current China is a little similar 1900s of America.
    I suggest you can learn more Chinese language and culture. Maybe you can understand more.
    You can learn Chinese in Beijing Online School of Chinese Language ( Link deleted for spam reasons). There are famous Chinese teachers and over 3000 volunteers from China. Practical Chinese, Business Chinese, Children Chinese Course and Chinese Courses for School / University / Corporate.

  2. Shanghai
    June 8th, 2007 03:16

    Well, the thing is, we were talking in Chinese.

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