Beijing Olympics Airco Police
I wasn’t planning on going in 2008 to the Beijing Olympics. Not because I don’t like sports but I’m not crazy about crowds and I’m sure there will be many.
For those contemplating of going there, there may be another reason to think twice.
According to a Dutch paper a new police unit has been formed, the Airco Police. No building can be cooler than 26 degrees celcius.
Hotels, offices, shopping centres and other buildings will be checked by the Airco Control. It will be Beijing’s contribution to the environment….
There will also be a special snitch line. Any disgruntled employees/shoppers etc can call the Airco Unit and tell that their office/shopping mall is too cool.
Way to go, sweating in your hotel, sweating while shopping, sweating in the crowds, probably sweating in the stadiums, just a hell of a lot of sweating.
I can imagine there are better ways to tackle environmental problems in China.
June 12th, 2007 02:19
Damn right too. My company is freezing in the summer, because they set the aircon temperature way too low (it must be less than 20 degrees). It’s colder now than it is in the summer. How do I report them?
June 12th, 2007 02:44
Not sure what the number is. I did read that the number of Airco Cops is 22. They will be busy:)