international IP Phonecalls Getting More Expensive

For a change I was listening to the Chinese news. Well to be honest, my wife was watching and I was playing the computer as I heard something about IP.

I said something smart or at least tried, “Nice, another propaganda item about how China is fiercely protecting Intellectual Property” but I was wrong.. again:).

In their monopolistic wisdom China Telecom has decided to, yes, increase the prices of international IP phone calls. China Unicom and China Mobile apparently preceded them (I missed that part as I don’t listen too much to the Chinese news:) and in a non-competitive sector you’ll follow suit if you have another chance at more profit.

I always thought the whole idea behind IP telephony is/was that it would make communication cheaper. I guess raising the prices is a Chinafied interpretation.

I don’t know with how much the prices will go up. It will definitely be less airtime for my 30 kuai ip card with a value of 100 kuai.

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2 Responses to “international IP Phonecalls Getting More Expensive”

  1. Hotpoter
    August 22nd, 2007 07:19

    The service these two companies offer are terrible. One month our phone bill was usually high, so we decided to call China Telecom, the service representative refused to provide us the previous month’s call history and told us to ask ICBC (a Chinese bank that people pays utility and telephone bills to; also another monopoly). Not surprisingly, ICBC told us to ask China Telecom. After a few days of ping ponging, a sales representative at China Telecom told us we need to pay to get access to previous month’s call history. This was unheard of in the US and there’s nothing we can do about it.

  2. Romain Guerel (French moving back to Shanghai)
    August 30th, 2007 09:05

    You shall use skype out it is 10 times cheaper than IP cards.

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