Blocked Hotmail a Hot Search in

The Chinese firewall had an active day. Twitter blocked, Flickr blocked, Microsoft’s new search engine blocked.

In general the average Chinese user won’t give a a hoot. Twitter….. Flickr….. and that pancake search engine.

It’s mostly the foreigners here that will have to find other ways to express themselves. Should be good for productivity, although there’s still facebook.., at least for now.

But blocking Hotmail…, that does affect the average Chinese user if not many Chinese business that still use Hotmail.

How for example will Mr. Hou cope with the fact that he won’t be able to read all inquiries about becoming an urban farmer.

No surprise then that today the hottest searches on are all about “logging in to Hotmail.

google cn hotmail hot

and for some strange reason all those people seem to search only for it on as Baidu’s visitors have other things on their mind or maybe they don’t use email.

baidu hotmail

Let’s see which one of the above will be the first one to make it back. My bet is Hotmail.

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5 Responses to “Blocked Hotmail a Hot Search in”

  1. Smokey
    June 4th, 2009 01:18

    China wants to keep it old school, Web 1.0, until further notice

  2. idlemall
    August 8th, 2009 10:31

    I also contact with my clients by Hotmail. If Hotmail is blocked by Chinese firewall, it will be the most detestable thing for me.

  3. Com Hotmail |
    May 26th, 2011 16:03

    baidu hotmail …

  4. Meppen Germany Shopping
    April 20th, 2012 01:03

  5. Blocked Hotmail a Hot Search in
    July 21st, 2021 11:26

    Renda Olaya…

    The Chinese firewall had an active day. Twitter blocked, Flickr blocked, Microsoft’s new search engine blocked. In general the average Chinese user won’t give a a hoot. Twitter….. Flickr….. ……

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