Bon Jovi, Justin Bieber and ICS - China Sunday Thoughts
Bon Jovi, Justin Bieber and ICS
For more than a half year now, whenever there’s a gap between two programmes ICS (International Channel Shanghai) plays a music video of Bon Jovi, then followed by an attractive lady in a car whose name I don’t know and to finish it off there’s Justin Bieber. Bon Jovi I still remember from their first iteration when they were still wild and Livin’ on a Prayer. Now they are so accepted that Chinese tv couples them with Justin Bieber. What’s next, the Sex Pistols.
As an aside, the days that the commercials were in English, mostly proclaiming a city the Most “Beautiful, Exciting, etc” in China, seem to be over. One more sign that ICS is probably the most expensive English corner in China.
Stop Quoting the BMW Woman
99% of the articles about the divide between rich and poor in China and materialism in Chinese Society mention the woman that would rather cry in the back of a BMW than laugh on the back of a bicycle. The latest in an article by Jonathan Fenby (who writes great books by the way).
Time to come up with a new example as this one is getting old (it’s from 2010), it even has its own Wikipedia page
And here you can find the search results of “I’d rather weep in a BMW than laugh on a bicycle“
Zero-sum Walking
More on this next week
August 2nd, 2012 20:02
Very interesting article, I never heard of this comment before nor can I believe the stir it caused in Chinese society and even outside. Whatever people think that’s a very witty comment that the woman made!
October 22nd, 2014 14:03
You are seeing this because your blog was recently used as part of a DDOS attack against Trilema. …