Overview of articles about 'China Business' Category

Hertz Car Rentals China and Intellectual Property

Sunday, April 6th, 2008

The irony. That was my first thought.
Then I checked a later issue of the Shanghai Daily and noticed that the same company is still advertising yet the mentioning of the website address hertz.cc has disappeared.

Whether Hertz complained to the Shanghai Daily or the company was contacted by the real Hertz I don’t know. […]

Grace From China Telecom

Saturday, September 1st, 2007

I spotted this advertisement of China Telecom in one of the expat magazines. Grace must be a lovely girl and I’m sure if I would have met up with here the first time I entered China life would have been different.

I’ll change my name to VAN

Wednesday, July 4th, 2007

Over the last weeks I got several calls from so called Western managed and quality services like my hospital and my dentist. The conversation invariably started with, “Am I speaking to mister “Van”. (Mister “From”, a common part of a Dutch surname)
Before the The Dell china customer rep was convinced I was called mr. […]

Brilliance BS6 Car Less Than Brilliant Test Results

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

In September 2005 there was a lot of press about the test results for the SUV Jiangling Landwind. It didn’t pass the crash test. In other words, the Dutch (ANWB) and German (ADAC) Car Consumer Associations couldn’t vouch for the safety.
They have tested another Chinese car, the Brilliance BS6 sedan, and it seems this […]

Shanghai Stockmarket Cartoon

Tuesday, June 12th, 2007

If you think about investing the Chinese stock market, this cartoon (published July 7, 2007) from the SMCP may help you.

Stock Market in China, Sell the 7th of August 2008

Friday, June 1st, 2007

I’m no investor and I can still get confused between put and call so the following is definitely not based on any knowledge nor take it as an advice.
The stock market in Shanghai is going down a bit as investors seem to think new measures will be taken by the government.
When I read papers, […]

Dell Sells In English, Service in Chinese

Sunday, May 13th, 2007

A reader commented on one my articles about Dell and their service and likes to know how to get some.
In general their service is pretty ok, especially if you speak Chinese. Dell’s Chinese operations offers a website in Chinese and English. Ordering something through the English interface is therefore fairly easy. The challenge comes […]

Interview with China Help Line

Friday, April 27th, 2007

I recently talked with Jean Wu from China Help Line that offers telephone-based interpretation service to foreigners.
You can read the interview on the My China Start blog.

C & A China Starts Advertising

Thursday, April 26th, 2007

Sitting next to the Super Brand Mall in Pudong drinking an Australian made coffee, I noticed a huge ad of C&A.

Shanghai Stock Market Buy Signals, Lucky Names and Bad News

Wednesday, February 28th, 2007

I had never heard the term before, my bad, but it appears people refer to the stock market in China as “dubo ji”, meaning slot machine.
The NY Times has a very insightful and entertaining article about what drives small investors to buy.
Millions of everyday investors rushed blindly into stocks, emptying out their savings […]

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