Overview of articles about 'China Olympics' Category

My Favorite Beijing Olympic Quote

Saturday, August 23rd, 2008

Yesterday, just before the football match Belgium - Brazil was about to start. The anthems had been played and the referee was about to start the match.
Behind me, on row 3, a little girl asked her dad, “Which one is China?”.

note: I had promised myself that I wouldn’t write anything during the […]

China Olympic Torch Relay on Google Maps

Thursday, May 8th, 2008

Just noticed that Google maps is keeping track of the torch relay.

Check here for yourself.

Olympic Flame On Top of the Everest

Thursday, May 8th, 2008

The torch has made it to the top of the Mount Qomolangma/Mount Everest and was ignited by Norbu Zhamdu at 9:18am May 8.

It’s the first time the torch went that high. Let’s hope the rest of the journey will be in the same spirit.

Beijing Olympic Typos

Wednesday, February 27th, 2008

Typos happen and I’m sure I have contributed many to this world, most of them online I guess. In many cases it’s just that but in some cases, like important mails for example or titles of articles I try to make sure it doesn’t happen.
Heck, I even re-read important mails to minimize the […]

CCTV.com gets Internet rights for 2008 Beijing Olympics

Wednesday, December 19th, 2007

There was a tender and no surprise CCTV, the national broadcaster who has already the tv rights, is the lucky one.
It’s unknown who else placed bids but even if any party did I’m pretty sure it was decided beforehand that it should be CCTV to be the one to get them.
Let’s see […]

Special Olympics Shanghai Statistics

Saturday, October 6th, 2007

The Special Olympics in Shanghai are well on their way now and the first medal has been won on the marathon.
Some Special Olympics Stats:

Number of sports - 25 (see which ones here)
Number of participating athletes - 7,500
Seating capacity of Shanghai Stadium - 80,000

Founding year of the Special Olympics - 1985 (see more for […]

Taxi and Bus Drivers Wearing Orange

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007

When I took a taxi I noticed the driver was wearing an orange shirt instead of the standard suit and I asked him why he had changed.
“All for the Special Olympics”, he said. He also asked which attire I preferred. I must say I like the suit better.
Most bus drivers are also wearing […]

Beijing Olympic Games Statistics

Tuesday, August 14th, 2007

Some stats about the Olympic Games in Beijing

28 Olympic programs, 302 sub-categories
302 gold medals
10,500 athletes are expecte to participate
21,880 torchbearers will run 137,000 km over 130 days
The National Stadium (Bird’s Nest) covers an area of 258,000 sq. meters
The Bird’s Nest has 91,000 seats
The surface of the National Aquatics Center is covered by 1,437 pieces […]

Run in Shanghai with the Olympic Torch

Sunday, August 12th, 2007

It’s now less than a year before they start, the Olympic Games (link) in Beijing. Part of the whole event is the Olympic torch that travels the world and end it’s journey during the opening ceremony. Shanghai is one of the lucky cities that will host the torch.
Ok, get your agenda and jot […]

Beijing Olympics One Year Before.

Wednesday, August 8th, 2007

Today, in one year, the Beijing Olympics will open. As expected there are a lot of articles writing about the good, the bad and the ugly of what will come.
The day of the start is 8-8-2008. The 8 is a lucky number in China despite that officially superstition is not allowed here.
I’m […]

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