Overview of articles about 'Chinese Multi Media' Category

The DVD-Alternative China TV Guide

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

Autumn is coming and you need some entertainment. You have seen all the dvd’s they sell on the corner, including the ones that halfway change into being dubbed in Russian. The local channels aren’t really an option unless you want to see for the umpteenth time another historical drama and the very national CCTV […]

Wordpress.com Yet Again Unblocked

Friday, August 3rd, 2007

It seems the blogs on Wordpress.com have been unblocked again. Whether this is a nanny aberration has to be seen.

Hosting Blog on Own Domain is Now Illegal

Friday, July 20th, 2007

The Ya,I Yee blog has posted a hilarious though slightly sad conversation between a Chinese blogger and a staff member of the Shanghai Communication Administration.
The Chinese blogger has his blog on its own domain on a Shanghai server and the latest campaign is to close these down as apparently a blog is considered […]

Yahoo.com Down and Up Again

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

Yahoo.com was unreachable here in China for more than 12 hours. It’s up again. The question is, is it accesible again because of a glitch in the Chinese firewall or is it allowed in again for good:)
The Chinese internet, never a dull moment…

Internet Culture with Chinese characteristics

Tuesday, April 24th, 2007

Yet again an announcement to control the internet in China more.
It can be summed up with one phrase. An Internet Culture with Chinese characteristics
I guess it’s about time each and any country will start doing the same.
I like to see an Internet culture with:
French characteristics,
one with Indian characteristics,
a Fiji version and […]

No Microsoft Soapbox in China

Thursday, February 22nd, 2007

Microsoft has a new product, a youtube clone, called soapbox.

The definition of a soapbox is
A soapbox is a raised, improvised platform on which one stands to make an impromptu speech, often about a political subject.
Well, no surprise here that Microsoft deems it appropriate not to make it available in China.
Interestingly enough the Chinese text […]

China Internet Slow Again

Wednesday, January 24th, 2007

It isn’t any news that the Internet in China is still slow and it bugs a lot of people I noticed .
My previous article about the slow speed of the Internet gets a lot of visitors searching for terms related to the incompetent structure of the Internet in China.
People ask the search engines:
“Why is […]

MyChinaStart Interview Chinalyst.net

Tuesday, November 28th, 2006

How Many Ways Are There To Advertise in Shanghai

Tuesday, October 17th, 2006

I like watching boats sail by. The best spot for this is the Starbucks on the Pudong riverbank.
I fantasize where they go, where they’re going from and what it is like to spend 24/7 on limited square meters.
In Shanghai Outdoor and Indoor lcd and led advertising is Wild West. There don’t seem to be […]

Open Windows Closed Windows

Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

Excerpts from an interview with China’s top Internet cop, Mr. Li Wufeng.
We don’t censor, we don’t know how
“We have neither the technology nor the manpower to censor or filter the Internet”, Li told us. “We have just dozens of people in the Internet affairs bureau. Half of them are here today [in the room],” […]

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