Overview of articles about 'default' Category

No Categories yet

Monday, February 28th, 2005

All day I have been trying to order my blog. The idea is that I will
have categories added, so my trivial posts will have a second chance
besides the archives. Unfortunately the solution hasn’t come yet so
till then I blog on with only the eternal archives as a reference. The
future will hopefully bring some […]

The State of My Blog

Friday, January 28th, 2005

What is the purpose of my blog? It’s a question I have been asking
myself lately. Do I want to share all my personal trivial snippets with
the rest of the world. No, not really. Do I want to be become a leading
commentary on events in China. Again, not really. I like to
notice and […]

Auction of Clients

Friday, December 3rd, 2004

Nothing about China nor Shanghai, just something funny if you think about it. I just ran into a thread about a guy selling some leftovers (hosting clients) from the days he had a hosting company. He put them up for auction on Ebay and he describes them as clients who “will likely stick for long […]

Google News, Adsense and Online Biz in China

Friday, December 3rd, 2004

A lot has been written about the apparent blocking of google news. The China Herald pointed out that it might be that:
“The internet filters have caused a damaging slowdown on the internet traffic in general and perhaps by closing some of the generators of potentially sensitive traffic that bottleneck is temporarily ’solved’.”
His assumption might be […]

Adsense blocked..

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004

For some hours I got the feeling adsense was blocked.
I had a friend check out the site in Thailand and there everything worked out fine. Now adsense is back again but somehow this worries me. Not because of the huge amounts of income I am missing, as there is no huge anyway.
Even […]

Toilet Currency

Monday, November 22nd, 2004

In the Pudong Starbucks on the bank of the river you have a great view on the ships sailing by and amazingly it’s quiet and peaceful. For 12 Yuan you have a coffee of the day and if you have to go to the loo just tell the waitress. She will give you a small […]

Let’s see what happens once ..

Thursday, November 18th, 2004

I place some more text..
Not in the mood to make it too brilliant so we are just doing it like this.
By the way, one really good link for Dutch people for finding information about Shanghai is:http://shanghai.startkabel.nl

Still in the process..

Thursday, November 18th, 2004

to get the template work according to my needs…

My First Entry

Thursday, November 18th, 2004

How many People have written these words before me. A lot I gather and it will take some perseverance to continue as every new endavour is fun to start wyh but hard to continue.

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