Overview of articles about 'China News' Category

Black and White Search

Monday, May 19th, 2008

Search engines in black and white for the 3 days mourning period that started yesterday with 3 minutes of silence on 2:28 PM.
3 minutes/days to think of the devastation the earthquakes in Sichuan have caused.
If you like to donate, I suggest you to check the Shanghaiist website which is very up to date with […]

No Food News is Good Food News

Wednesday, August 1st, 2007

In the very unlink able SCMP from yesterday I read that the publication bureau in Beijing is working overtime to make sure no negative reports are published, especially about food safety.
The tabloid Beijing Daily Messenger will have to scrap its political and social pages. Instead it will have to offer entertainment and lifestyle news. […]

China’s Environmental Car Future

Wednesday, April 25th, 2007

Just before the opening of the Olympics China will make an important announcement to the world on how they will start tackling the environmental problems that China faces. That’s at least what Wolfgang Grulke said (I hope I’ve quoted him correctly) during his talk about the Future last week here in Shanghai.
Wolfgang is […]

Chongqing Style Pedagogics

Wednesday, February 21st, 2007

Municipal bylaw enforcement officers in Chongqing stuck confiscated paper advertisements all over the bodies of two boys, aged 10 and 15 and paraded them after they were found dispensing the ads.
The goal was to publicly humiliate them.
But using public humiliation to attempt to control the use of the adlets in China has met […]

China Internet Still Terribly Slow

Thursday, January 11th, 2007

The Internet in China is still at snail speed and for some weird reason it gets worse in the evening.
Is everybody trying to play games after 18:00? Is the available bandwidth less in the evening to cut cost for China Telecom’s use of satellite back ups or is there another explanation for this?
The […]

Dutch Journalist Doesn’t Do Research and Deletes Own Post

Monday, December 18th, 2006

I was rather surprised to read recently, to be more specific, a couple of days ago, that a Dutch journalist wrote on her blog for the NRC Handelsblad (a Dutch quality newspaper) that Wikipedia was available again in China. I was even more surprised that she quoted an article from the BBC that was […]

Socialist Countryside

Friday, February 24th, 2006

Two days ago I finished another episode of Nip & Tuck and zapping a bit I hit bingo as the 10 ‘o clock news of China’s only English channel (CCTV) had just started. My eyes probably doubled their viewer ratings.
That day was the day of the New Socialist Countryside. Field reports from, yep […]

Journalist Walk Out | Beijing News Newspaper

Friday, December 30th, 2005

Interesting to read that a management change in one of the more progressive Chinese newspapers, the Beijing News, isn’t going as smoothly as planned.
From the BBC
About 100 journalists from one of China’s most progressive newspapers, the Beijing News, have walked out to protest against their editor’s sacking.
There was no mention of the walk-out in […]

A Chinese Lawyer

Thursday, December 29th, 2005

Beijng a lawyer for the weak and poor in China is no picnic. Some excerpts from the daily life of lawyer Gao.
I went out this early this morning to exercise in the park. Several plainclothesmen were around me. Compared to before, the scale of the surveillance has clearly gone up.
Wherever […]

Transplants in China | Happy Volunteers

Friday, December 2nd, 2005

If you have need for a transplant and you’re living in China, chances are some prisoner is your happy, voluntarily donor.
An article from Nov 28, 2005 issue of the Caijing Magazine:
The Chinese government has admitted that most human organs used for transplants in China are those of executed prisoners, and has promised to expedite […]

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