Overview of articles about 'Private' Category

Flu | No Birds in Sight

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2005

Doooh, pretty lame title I know, but still true.
Have the flu as the Shanghai weather is changing to cold.
Luckily there is airco which blows hot air. Energy bill will go up again.
Like I said, I have the flu and reading what I just wrote I might as well stop now as it doesn’t make […]

China Snippets has a new look

Monday, June 13th, 2005

Although the look is new I intend to keep on adding, deleting etc, a lot the coming days. So, if things don’t work, pages run out of the browser, it’s me trying something crazy without actually having the knowledge:)

Changing Layout and blog system

Sunday, June 12th, 2005

all old post have been imported, next thing to do is adjusing pics sizes, trying to do some modrewrite.. will be a first but has to be done as there is nothing so irritating as 404’s
Hi there, I am in the process of changing to a new layout using new sotware. Sorry for […]

New year, new …

Monday, May 23rd, 2005

Yesterday I went to a nice dinner where we discussed Radio Shanghai. The idea is setting up a collaborative podcast website to share with the world some Shangai/China related podcasts. Fons of the China Herald has more to say about it.
One of the things that came up was consistency. If you want to make […]

You Became Fat …

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2005

Yesterday we met up with a friend we hadn’t seen for a while. One of
the first things she mentioned was, “You became fat”. All said with a
very friendly smile.

Two years ago I might have felt a bit embarrased.
Where I come from it’s not the politest thing to say. Not that she was
wrong, […]

A Bit Homesick

Saturday, March 5th, 2005

It’s snowing in Holland. It’s really snowing and it hasn’t been snowing
like this for years.

I look at the pictures on the Dutch news websites
and I am reminded of my childhood. I wish I was there now. It’s the
first time in three years I feel like that.

For more Ducth snow, go here.

The Spring Festival Days

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2005

People wearing coats in the house give me the feeling that they are on
the verge of leaving. In my parents in law’s place it’s more a matter
of being on the verge of eating. And eating we did, morning, afternoon,
evening, in between nuts and other chewable bits and tats and then
again and again. Not […]

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