Overview of articles about 'China News Soft' Category

My Wife Wants to Divorce Me

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

I just asked her if she felt less happy after US bank Lehman Brother’s went bankrupt in september 2008.
Yes, of course, was her answer. Since that moment my happiness index plummeted to very low levels. Before all was ok, also thanks to Lehman Brothers but now….
“What’s the exact score now”, I asked. Well, at […]

Recipe for Cartonboard Baozi

Thursday, July 12th, 2007

Products from China are lately in the limelight. Toothpaste that kills, food for kittens that kills, fake water in the water coolers in Beijing and now steamed pork buns (baozi) made from cardboard have popped up.
A bakery in Beijing sold pork buns that were made of 60% cardboard and 40% pork. Customers don’t taste […]

China Daily and Fun

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

The Humanaught has a nice find. He quotes an article from the China Daily that Baseball is a Chinese invention

Baseball a Chinese invention
Updated: 2007-04-01 08:35
Though long thought to have evolved from the UK-created rounders, new evidence suggests that the sport of baseball’s origins extend back nearly 500 years to China’s Ming Dynasty (c1368-1644).
Li Gang, […]

A Great Sentence

Monday, March 12th, 2007

Over at Shanghaiist an article about the 81 year old American writer Gore Vidal’s appearance/interview at the 2007 Shanghai International Literary Festival. Vidal it reads, is an outspoken, opinionated writer.
He was posed a question about the freedom of speech.
His answer can be summed up by one one of the phrases he used “they’ll […]

Get Paid 300 Rmb per Minute and Get Beaten

Tuesday, February 27th, 2007

In the category weird:
Have you ever considered advertising on the Internet for a stand-in mistress that can be roughed up by your wife. Well, a Chinese businessman beat you to it? Or maybe you’re looking for a job that pays you 300 Rmb/minute?
A Chinese businessman has advertised on the Internet for a stand-in mistress […]

Ronaldo Stops Grinning in Lozenge Ad

Monday, January 29th, 2007

When I first saw Ronaldo holding a lozenge and stupidly grinning on Chinese TV I was wondering who the hell the director director was that made this terrible excuse for an advertisement. Then again, I see similar bad advertisements on CCTV 9 so not that surprised actually.
I got used to it and figured that […]

Pandas Are a Disease?

Thursday, January 25th, 2007

Pandas are one of China’s hot commodities.
Doing a search showed me that there is a connection between Pandas and diseases, at least according to Google.

Chinese Beat The Stress in Bar

Tuesday, August 8th, 2006

I am frustrated, I am underpaid, my boss forces me to work too much and give him a hongbao to get a promotion.

My wife keeps on nagging me that I have to make more money. I have to have a car, an apartment, a mistress and buy my kid an entrance to a good […]

Mouding County Kills Almost All Chinese Dogs

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006

In a very pro-active fashion Mouding county in Yunnan province, China has killed almost all of his dogs. Noooo, not because they were hungry.

It has all been handled in a very harmonious way:
On Saturday, a woman was walking her dog - a small white animal she’d had for a long time - in […]

World Cup 2006 China

Wednesday, June 21st, 2006

I have watched way to many football games until now. Resulting in too little sleep.
Some observations:
6 hours time difference is too much. Either change Beijing Standard Time for a month or reschedule the games
In a country where social stability is everyday’s slogan, make sure university students have electricity 24/7. They want to watch […]

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