Overview of articles about 'Whatever' Category

Upgrading Wordpress Do not Wait

Tuesday, January 16th, 2007

I just upgraded Wordpress to version 2.0.7 and if you haven’t done so, don’t wait too long as you don’t want to be hacked.
You can download it here.

Hotelreservations but not in China

Friday, December 15th, 2006

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. The first request received and per the guidelines I have to disclose this. It’s also test to see how this works out. The review is as it is, a review and an honest one I hope. I do get paid though for writing this:) And please comment…
Hotelreservations.com is, as […]

Man Bites Panda Bites Back

Thursday, September 21st, 2006

In the category, almost Friday, another Panda story.

Here’s the summary
Drunken immigrant worker (note that as always a distinction is made between city slickers and those beyond the urban border) Zhang visits Beijing Zoo, jumps into the panda enclosure, hugs the panda and gets bitten.
Nothing weird about that, invading on the Panda privacy should […]

Funny Shanghai Classifieds

Monday, August 7th, 2006

Well funny this Shanghai classifieds , it’s just from what perspective you look at it. In China there are no anti-age and other discrimination laws that prevent employers to be very selective who they hire.
It’s fairly common to see advertisements with age limits, at times combined with “female” only apply.
I hadn’t seen this […]

China Northern Airlines Guidance

Monday, July 10th, 2006

While doing some research on Chinese Airlines I used an old bookmark of China Northern Airlines. Their main domain is re-directing now to China Southern Airlines that has absorbed them. Surfing a bit more on that old bookmarked site, I ran into this beauty of company philosophy .

Guided by the spirit of the 15th […]

Shanghai Daily Bogus Headline

Wednesday, June 21st, 2006

How to write an article about an professor with a very Chinese name, Yang Jie, of the “famous” Shanghai university Tongji who apparently faked his credentials.
Make a headline focusing on “Bogus Overseas”

Not that is mentioned how “overseas” the professor is.
Source: The only source you know you can trust.
(note: this link has a short […]

Thank God They Are Still Virgin

Tuesday, December 13th, 2005

Despite previous internet claims that 84.14 percent of girls in the Beijing Foreign Studies University have had sex another highly scientific survey shows this is nonsense.

….the survey found 3.8 percent of sophomore girls have had sex experience, compared with 7.9 percent of junior girls and 24.8 percent of senior girls.
The survey team said their […]

Airco Cold |

Saturday, July 23rd, 2005

It has been pretty hot lately here in Shanghai. To sweat is nice for loosing weight but even that has its limits. The several Airco’s at home are very busy, the airco’s in the city department stores etc are also on temperature ‘Ice” eventhough they officially should be at 26 degrees celcius. As […]

Totally forgot my Monday Rant

Tuesday, June 14th, 2005

I have been so focused on making the design of this blog more acceptable that I actually forgot to complain and wine about anything. I should more often be focused, I guess. Anyway, although not 100% finished we are getting there.
To get back to some more substantial content I will do the “blogger” […]

Dutch Prefer China over Holland

Monday, April 18th, 2005

Now and then some amazing survey results surface. A Dutch Psychological Market Research Company needed some attention and researched how Dutch people view China. Pretty smart. Mentioning “China” in your press release these days gets you a lot of attention. Combined with the Dutch, sometimes called the Chinese of the West, gets you a […]

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