Shanghai Cultural


Culture. Isn’t it a great thing. I remember that one of the reasons of moving to Shanghai and away of Kunming was the option to have more culture available. Orchestras, Exhibitions and other food for the mind.

In reality, lack of time makes one enjoy less of all the opportunities available.

Shanghai has a lot to offer these days and this is the space where articles are collected related to Cultural events in Shanghai I visited as well as reviews of shanghai museums and other attractions I have been.

Culture in Shanghai

Shanghai Acrobats | Bund Sightseeing Tunnel | Propaganda Poster Art Museum | Circusworld |

Shanghai Acrobats
Acrobats perform
You can’t be in Shanghai and not see the acrobats. It’s part of each tour group and it’s pretty amazing. It’s also a great evening activity when you have guests over. I have seen 2 and you can read my impressions of the Shanghai acrobats show.

Bund Sightseeing Tunnel
Bund Tunnel

The tunnel is a psychic experience where you cross the river underground with a cable car.
It’s also fun so in case you’re near the Bund, and it’s likely you will be at one point, descend into the river of Shanghai for a freaky ride.

Propaganda Poster Art Museum
Propaganda art red book
Absolutely my favorite museum in town and friends coming over will love it, if they have the slightest interest in recent Chinese cultural history.

Shanghai Circus World
The circus. Clowns make you laugh, lions try to scare and acrobats amaze you. It’s a fun day out if you want to escape the hustle of Shanghai and young kids love the Chinese circus.

Other cultural sources:

Shanghai museums as well as other museums in China

There are many galleries in Shanghai these days. An overview of the one’s online you can find on Gallleries in China. It’s can make a nice afternoon to see the works of the contemporary Chinese artists.

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