PayPal China | More

Just listened to an audio interview (is that already called a podview..) by Pacific Epoch with Paypal China’s country manager Jeff Liao.

To listen directly to the audio interview click here (mp3 format)

Interestingly enough they won’t charge anything directly in their Chinese version. They seem to want to get market share first. I am sure once they have that, charges will be applied.

The audio quality is not great (use your headphone) but for anyone interested in this kind of stuff it’s worth your time.

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4 Responses to “PayPal China | More”

  1. Derrick Cope
    July 18th, 2005 02:25

    How do I use Paypal in China? Where can I find information on how to use it? Can I buy books on Amazon with it?

  2. China Snippets
    July 18th, 2005 09:34

    Paypal in China is to be found on I doubt if you can buy books at amazon unless if you have a “rest of the world” paypal account. The Chinese version only handles Renminbi and as far as I know there is no Chinese version of Amazon.

  3. snow
    July 28th, 2005 06:04

    do you think that paypal china will attract alot of chinese uses? can i buy alot of things from ebay end and eachnet with the paypal ac?does this mean that ebay will deliver the goods to me?

  4. China Snippets
    July 29th, 2005 10:47

    Hi Snow,

    I think they can do well, especially on the long run. They are here to learn, get experience and definitely for the long term. As they won’t charge in the beginning they will also be competitive with Alipay and possible other online paymeent systems. Their big advantage over the competition will really start to materialize once Chinese can buy overseas. Right now paypal will only handle Renminbi transactions in China. But as they are already internationally established this is a major plus. Short term I don’t expect them to make a big difference, long term yes. Paypal will be integrated in Eachnet as it is an Ebay company. Paypal is also an Ebay company. About Tom I don’t know as it is a different company.

    As far as my knowledge goes Ebay never delivers goods. Ebay is an intermediary between the seller and the buyer. Once the two have agreed the delivery it is the responsibilty of the seller. If you pay with Paypal there will be a kind of customer protection program in case things go wrong.

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