Overview of articles about 'China Statistics' Category

China Driving and Stats

Wednesday, September 19th, 2007

I only drove once in China, and that was already a long time ago. It was on a toll way between Kunming and Dali, it was dark and the only occasional traffic we noticed were trucks.
Well, if you noticed them at all as they all had broken rear lights. I scolded these drivers […]

163 Million INternet Users and Counting

Thursday, July 19th, 2007

China has now 162 million internet users according to the CNNIC. A big jump form the previous 137 million at the end of 2007.
I wrote a short article including charts comparing the end of 2006 with the stats from June 2007.
Check Chinese internet stats June 2007

Valentine in Shanghai

Tuesday, February 13th, 2007

The girls are waiting today for flowers, belgian made chocolates and a romantic dinner in a restaurant that has overprized its food for this special day. Valentine’s day has gotten some traction here in Shanghai as I noticed last year and I’m sure this year it will be even more popular.
To stay in the […]

Shanghai Transportation Statistics

Thursday, November 23rd, 2006

In our search for an apartment we have seen about the whole centre of Shanghai. Most of them huge buildings. Close by transport, especially the subway, is one of the key factors in deciding where we want to live next left. Many new developments mention that ’soon’ a subway line nearby will be ready. […]

Shanghai F1 Statistics

Wednesday, September 27th, 2006

The racing cars are coming to town. As it is, the F1 these days is as boring as watching a cup of coffee being made in Starbucks. Okay, I have to correct myself here. The first 5 minutes of the race can be fun as this is the moment with the highest probability cars […]

What do Chinese Search for in Google

Thursday, September 7th, 2006

Since March 2006 Google has again added China to their monthly zeitgeist.

Zeitgeist is described by Google as:
a cumulative snapshot of interesting queries people are asking – some over time, some within country domains, and some on Google.com – that perhaps reveal a bit of the human condition.
The queries show trends and are not […]

Construction Statistics Shanghai

Monday, August 21st, 2006

We’re dipping our toes in the real estate market in Shanghai and as a first step called an agent who was referred to us by a friend.
After telling him the price range, the first question was: “How many bathrooms do you want?”
Are bathrooms the new status symbol?

Data about construction in Shanghai
from the latest […]

China Internet User Statistic Up?

Thursday, July 27th, 2006

The latest numbers from CNNIC (China Internet Network Information Center) about internet usage in China show that usage is rising faster than before. CNNIC says that China now (July 2006) has 123 Million users. That’s 12 million more than the last survey.

January 2006 vs July 2006
The last time CNNIC published numbers was in January […]

China Chocolate Statistics

Saturday, February 25th, 2006

Chocolate will get more expensive. Why, because the Chinese seem to like it more and more.
Some chocolate makers predict that in 10 years the demand for cacao will be bigger than the supply.
Some chocolate consumption statistics
Europe - yearly 7 kg/person
Holland - yearly 4.5 kg/person
China - yearly 150 grams/person
In Shanghai the number of chocolate […]

China Search Engine Market

Wednesday, February 15th, 2006

Baidu is still very much in the lead and expanding it’s reach in the Chinese war of the search engines. At least according to Shanghai based company Iresearch.
The data used to come to this conclusion is based on address bar search, Alexa data and a survey they did themselves.
It’s hard to interpret the data […]

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