Overview of articles about 'China Culture' Category

Historic Buildings Shanghai

Monday, December 31st, 2007

Sometime ago I saw this cartoon in the Shanghai Daily and I was positively surprised. It was the first time I saw a cartoon that was slightly critical of the way China is handling it’s historic sites in it’s constant drive to build new, ugly real estate.
Sure, it’s in the Shanghai Daily, aimed […]

Christmas in a Chinese Boarding School

Wednesday, December 26th, 2007

My step daughter is in boarding school, a Chinese boarding school.
She told us before that the school had decided not to pay any attention to Christmas as it’s a Western holiday.
Chinese students should be focused on traditional Chinese holidays is the idea which is something the government is trying to promote very […]

Panda Cigarettes

Monday, September 17th, 2007

It’s been a long time since I published about China’s national pet the panda.
I haven’t seen any shagged out pandas lately, nor updates on the panda cam or important news like ‘Man bites panda’.
Even panda politics seems to be out of fashion for the moment.
It is time though for my irregular […]

Chinese Language Exchange Partner with 5000 years of History

Sunday, September 2nd, 2007

A sure way of getting a zero percent chance of ever starting a language exchange must be this classified.

And no, I don’t want to go into the the whole debate of how many years history China has. Last I read, it was 5 million years but that could have been an overzealous […]

Hong Kong Cartoon

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

One more cartoon I found in the unlinkable SCMP. The cartoon says it all.

Picky Dating in China

Wednesday, March 28th, 2007

Can you help me find a nice boyfriend for my cousin?
W. was having a drink with a friend and this wasn’t the first time she was asked such a question.
What kind of boyfriend is she looking for?
Well, she is a well educated young woman, she studied overseas so something similar. I […]

China Sounds

Wednesday, January 17th, 2007

Just ran into a sound board for China. You can click the map and hear the sounds of different parts of China. Ranging from industrial noise in Chongqing to the construction of the Olympic swimming pool in Beijing.

Start listening

Jobs in China - Looking for a Blackman

Friday, January 5th, 2007

Recruiting staff in China is not hindered by “weird” laws that tell you not to discriminate on age, sex etc. And if these laws exist, if so, fill me in, companies don’t seem to really care.
You want to hire a hot, Shanghainese, single employee between 20 and 21, light skin color, minimum height 1.65 […]

Nip and Tuck on Holiday in China

Tuesday, August 29th, 2006

Plastic surgery is a booming business in China. As insecurity is mounting and jobs are less available students start to use their holidays to sculpt their face, higher the nose, get double eyelids and inflate the boobs.
The summer holiday is a convenient time as it gives the bruises time to heal.
I’ll just quote a […]

Love or Money

Tuesday, August 15th, 2006

An interesting choice. An English teacher in Chongqing did a small experiment.

I presented two hypothetical envelopes to three of my girl students between 16 and 18 years old. One of the envelopes was labeled ‘love’, the other ‘money’. I asked the girls to pick one of the envelopes. Without doubt, all three of them […]

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