China Tags

I like people with smart ideas. Although they make me envious as I wish I had come up with them myself, I like the creativity of them a lot. Some time ago, September 2005, a guy from the UK started a website selling 1 million pixels. One dollar a pixel and he has achieved his goal and became a millionair. Many copycats tried/try the same but none of them will be as succesful as the original concept.

I just ran into a website that has put another twist to this concept. Not a copycat but an original follow-up to the concept. It’s called and instead of pixels it is selling tags, a hip name for keywords. You can buy them and if you write about the website you can get listed for your preferred tag for free. Great link-bait. Give away something for free and the fool (me) will gladly go for it.

So how is all this markting blurb related to chinasnippets, you may wonder. Well, nothing and a bit. I like the tag China therefore I write this and I may end up getting more visitors to read my mostly poorly written posts:)

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