Shanghai in 5 Years
It looks like everything will be better in 5 years time in Shanghai. As the Shanghai People’s Congress got together this week, maybe they still do, have no clue, they outlined their 11th Five Year Plan.
Thanks to the local gazette, I understand a bit more of the objectives.
I like to highlight one and sincerely hope it will not take 5 years to achieve.
“七不“ 规范 -
(memorize this and say it out loud every 5 minutes when you walk in the street)
- Don’t Litter
- Don’t spit
- Don’t spoil green places
- Don’t damage public property
- Don’t use foul language
- Don’t smoke in public places
I hear you thinking, these are only 6 Don’ts. You’re absolutely right but for the local gazette 6 equals 7. Don’t blame me.