Google Censors “Voluntarily” ……

Google searchGoogle does no evil. It doesn’t want to comply with the American Justice Department to hand over a couple of weeks of searches. Let’s show the world we have principles, let’s show our users that we really value their privacy and we only use it for ourselves.

But that’s the US. China is a different story.

“In order to operate from China, we have removed some content from the search results available on in response to local law, regulation or policy,” Andrew McLaughlin, Google’s senior policy counsel, said in a statement.

Yes, we do no evil, we comply with local laws voluntarily after we realized that money is the most important thing for us and principles are there for corporate show.

I understand that for doing business in China one has to conform. The thing that ticks me of the most is that the same company that blocks certain information at the same time pretends to have better ethics than the rest.

In a way, by openly admitting they have chosen this way, this seems to be the right moment to ditch that archaic slogan of “Do no evil” and replace it with “Do more money”.

At least that is honest and everyone can understand.

Source: Reuters

Added: It seems that part of the strategy of GG is to make it hard to access the version in China, it’s ridiculously slow.

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