Chinese Beat The Stress in Bar

I am frustrated, I am underpaid, my boss forces me to work too much and give him a hongbao to get a promotion.
Chinese Anger Management
My wife keeps on nagging me that I have to make more money. I have to have a car, an apartment, a mistress and buy my kid an entrance to a good Chinese as well an overseas university.

Oh yeah, my family keeps on pressing me to send half of my salary their way. You’re still reading… you want to meet up? Come over tomorrow to the Rising Sun Anger Release Bar in Nanjing.

Look for the guy who is beating out the crap of a man that looks like the typical lazy laoban (boss).


My clients try to grope me all over and I can’t do anything about it or I loose my job.

Customers in the restaurant yell at me all the time, look away when they talk to me and hand me the money and my husband is never home. I don’t even want to start thinking what he is doing out there.

Look for the girl slamming that fat, bold guy with a spoon in his hand.

Fiction, not really. The bar exists since April and is pretty popular.

The bar is the brainchild of Wu Gong.

he got his inspiration from similar bars in Japan, but felt a personal need for the type of service after his experiences as a migrant worker in Guangdong Province.

The bar employs 20 “models,” well-built men in their 20s and 30s, who are available to be hit. Customers can specify how they want the models to appear they can even dress as women and then they are free to give them a sound beating.

It’s not a very harmonious way of dealing with one’s feelings, is it?

Source: China Daily, Photo: Istockphoto

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One Response to “Chinese Beat The Stress in Bar”

  1. Engage Blog - New Zealand’s specialist recruitment blog » Blog Archive » New NZ website:
    January 7th, 2007 20:37

    Could these types of sites in reality be sites?  Yes, they could.  It is possible for an organisation to get a court order to trace any defamatory or rude comments.  To deal with those really bad days at work, maybe we Kiwis should instead consider the concept of this Chinese bar where you can really take out your frustrations, and even punch the staff.   …

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