China Internet Slow Again

It isn’t any news that the Internet in China is still slow and it bugs a lot of people I noticed .

My previous article about the slow speed of the Internet gets a lot of visitors searching for terms related to the incompetent structure of the Internet in China.

People ask the search engines:

“Why is the Internet in China slow”, others suffice with just typing “China Internet Slow” or in a different order, “Slow Internet China”.

There are also those that show their irritations:

“Terrible slow Internet in China”, “China Internet so slow” and my favorite “China internet slow again”.

I’m afraid I’ll be collecting more insights into the internet users frustrations in the coming time as it doesn’t seem the problem will be totally fixed before Chinese New Year. Just today I have had already 2 complete outages.

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6 Responses to “China Internet Slow Again”

  1. 中国纪事 » 小参考:严重关注记者的人身安全
    January 26th, 2007 04:12

    中国互联网速度再次放慢?——我不知道,不是我干的!问一问The wall吧。

  2. kaiiling
    March 3rd, 2007 09:13

    Well inter-net… so they are more centered on the “netting” side of the issue. The net is so thick… nothing can go out…hahahahahhahaha

  3. patrick
    January 22nd, 2008 22:45

    Heh, I also came here by the search terms ‘China Internet Slow’ ;)

    Because today it’s worse than ever (except right after the quake)… started yesterday evening.

    By the way: During the last weeks/months I noticed that the champs at China Telecom seem to be playing with their bandwidth shaping:

    - Limiting bandwidth per TCP connection for all TCP ports (to 5-20 KB/s), separately - that’s how it was for quite some time, until very recently. (This means that P2P like torrent etc. worked still very well, because there you typically have many TCP connections. But downloads via HTTP or FTP were dead slow. Workaround: using a download manager that connects to the server(s) multiple times and downloads different pieces of the file in different TCP connections)

    then came

    - Limiting bandwidth for all TCP connections combined, but only on TCP ports 80 (http), 21 (ftp) and 443 (https) (perhaps more, those I tried…) NOT for example on 22 (ssh) but with the weird effect that the bandwidth increased linear from very low to the maximum of my 2 MBit/s DSL within around a minute or so. Once the bandwidth is at maximum, it stays there. If you stop downloading for a few seconds, and then start it again, the bandwidth climbs again, but not from the initial low. Perhaps I should link in a graph - that would be easier than explaining ;) But… I’m too lazy right now. That’s how it was for the past few weeks.

    Until today. Because today is special: 5 KB/s average on any port I try. :(

  4. patrick
    January 22nd, 2008 22:54

    I just realised that the initial post was from tomorrow of last year ;) What does this tell us, except I should read dates more carefully? History repeating?

  5. mike
    June 16th, 2009 07:14


    History repeating? Are you fucking Kidding..

    Hello from mid 2009… the Chinese government turns down the bandwidth speed so they can spy on what you’re doing.

    Fuck them.

  6. Thomas
    August 17th, 2009 22:37

    Patrich you are right, it is simply disgusting and so useless what is going on here again with the internet connection. And than the false information policy again “damaged cable in the ocean”, cable my ass!!! really nothing else to do than check all the people all the time????
    And hello, yes you guys siting in front of the screen now and check our posts…….just piss off and let us at least do our work, enjoy the porn sites yourselves….

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