Overview of articles about 'China News Soft' Category

China’s Panda Cam

Monday, June 12th, 2006

Pandas, China’s cuddly creatures, can be seen online these days.

It takes some planning as only between 11:00 and 11:20 China Time you have a chance to see Rong Rong, No. 20’s Son, Lei Lei’s Daughter, Ya Ao, Younger son of Hua Mei and Elder son of Hua Mei on the Panda Cam.
Why most of […]

The Year of Berlusconi in China

Monday, March 27th, 2006

It’s the year of Italy in China, actually also the year of Russia and the Year of the British Poems in the Shanghai subway, but I digress.
There are pasta exchanges (the jury is still out on who invented the long pieces of dough), and other cultural feats.
From the Year of Italy in […]

Panda Insemination

Friday, March 24th, 2006

This is what a panda looks like after having been inseminated. Seems she’s shagged out.

Source: SH

CCTV Quote of the Day

Friday, March 24th, 2006

The first meeting of the China-Brazil High-level Coordination and Cooperation Committee aka the CBHCCC is happening right now.
CCTV 9 (aka The Closed Content Television) here in China had some promising news.
I quote Hong Kong presenter James:
“Brazil and China will promote cooperation in various fields”
I am sure you didn’t want to miss that one.
To […]

China Chopsticks Tax

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006

China is going to tax the chopstick.
According to the Dutch radio

5% will be levied on wooden chopsticks from next month.
Yearly about 1,3 miljoen m3 wood is used to produce 15 billion (pairs of) chopsticks.
A couple of years ago, 2001 to be exact, the number according to the Washington Times was
45 billion pairs […]

Wishful Thinking | Opinions Shanghai Daily

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006

Three opinions in todays Shanghai Daily. Up to you whether you agree with me or with them:
1. Free flow of ideas with Internet in China
“A strong government under the leadership of the Communist Party, with one feature being state ownership of the news media, is by no means necessarily antithetical to the free flow […]

Mr. & Mrs. Right For Hire

Tuesday, March 7th, 2006

A female friend once said that she doesn’t want to get married yet (she’s living together) as the pressure on becoming pregnant right away after the big day would be too big.
Chinese parents, especially the older generation, want their children to be secure. Relationships (boy/girl of course), marriage and a baby are the key […]

Panda Politics | The Winners Are ..!!!!

Monday, January 9th, 2006

It’s already old news, I do realize that. No doubt it has been the opening item in the news all over the world so what I am about to tell you won’t be that exciting.
Still, I posted before about the arduous task “the people who decide” had in determining the winners of the Panda […]

The Panda Pageant

Wednesday, January 4th, 2006

It’s not easy to become the pandas destined to live in China’s renegade province. It’s not even sure when the big winners are chosen as the “Panda pair for Taiwan may be revealed on Friday”.
There are some insightful pointers though about the contest and the selection criteria.
An anonymous source at the centre said it […]

Begging Online Short Lived

Friday, December 30th, 2005

Beggars are part of life in China. Foreigners tend to have somewhat different opinions whether you should or should not give. Is the beggar king raking it in, are they pretending?
It doesn’t really matter to me. In the end of the day a couple of Renminbis is easy to spare, even if […]

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